How to Remember to Take Your Pills On Time?

If you take pills on a regular basis – especially if you take multiple pills for different ailments – you probably already know how confusing it can be to keep all your prescriptions in order. Remembering to keep your medication doses in order is absolutely important because medical doctors only have three tools to treat / cure ailments – medications, radiation, and surgery. Everything else in medicine, from one on one consultations with a doctor to impressive technologies like CT Scans are only diagnostic – in other words, they only tell doctors which one of the three treatment tools to prescribe, medication, radiation or surgery. Allowing forgetfulness to develop into a habit could be detrimental to your doctor’s plan to make you better. As hectic as life can be at times, remembering to take your pills on schedule can be a real challenge – which is why the folks behind the Multiple Pill Splitter at offer the following tips to help you stick to your medication dose schedule.

Invest in a Pillbox – those little boxes with seven compartments, one for each day of the week. The box itself serves as a visual reminder that you need to take your pills, and an empty or full compartment will tell you at a glance whether you’ve already taken the appropriate pills for the day. This is a great way to avoid accidental double doses. If the compartment is full, you haven’t taken your pills for the day, if the compartment is empty, then you have. Make sure your pills are prepared before placing in a compartment. If you need to cut your pills in half, use the Multiple Pill Splitter from to do so before you place the appropriate doses into a compartment.

Combine With Another Task – like brushing your teeth, brewing your morning pot of coffee, sitting down to lunch, etc. Anything you do at a set time every day can be combined with taking your pills so that taking your pills becomes automatic whenever you perform the associated task.

Out of Sight Out of Mind – so keep your medications in sight. Hiding your medications in a drawer or cabinet will only make it more likely for you to forget to take your dose at the appropriate time. Keep your pills (or pillbox) in sight to serve as a constant visual reminder of your next dose.

If you’re someone who regularly takes pills, you may also be someone who regularly has to cut pills in half. You could try to use a knife, or a single-pill splitter, but the Multiple Pill Splitter from offers a safer, more convenient option. Using a hidden blade that’s only exposed when the unit is closed (assuming you use as directed) the Multiple Pill Splitter can cut up to 15 pills at a time – no mess, no hassle. Plus, the Multiple Pill Splitter is guaranteed, comes with a lifetime warranty, and is manufactured right here in the United States.

Learn more about the Multiple Pill Splitter, and view videos of the product in action, at